I got my Job-Specific Training material today!
It starts with our Mission Statement:
“To be knowledgeable, gracious and proactive Event Services Staff. To work as a team and perform all our roles at the highest level to ensure an enjoyable, memorable and safe Olympic and Paralympic Games experience for all.”
Pretty simple goal, right? As easy as this may sound, I'm sure there is a ton of new things I will have to learn (there are almost 50 pages that I have to go through!)... e.g. how to operate a magnetometer, what to call a suspicious package left unattended when signalling it through our walkie-talkies, and how to assist spectators finding their seats in the most polite way.
Once I digest it all, I will let you know what an Olympic Host does exactly, as it's still not all that clear to me :)
What else is up? The Olympic Flame is in Banff, AB today! Only 22 days to go...
Also, did you know you can buy a full-size replica of an Olympic Torch for $295 on www.vancouver2010.com?
That is it for today...